On Sat, 25 Oct 1997, brett watson wrote:
we're furiously working to get mbone stuff... in the mean time, we'll still tape and dump to realvideo. several folks have complained that the player only runs on windows, not true:
freebsd (both dynamic and static link) mac os os/2 win95/nt solaris (2.4 and 2.5 sparc) sunos 4.1.x irix 5.3/6.2/6.3
This is only true for Realvideo/realplayer 5.0 beta The 4.0 player never came out for anything other than windows and mac. So depending upon how stable the beta is (haven't used it yet) this might be workable. I am of course assuming that the 4.0 format is compatible with the 5.0 player. Also if you use the 5.0 format lots of people will probably have problems unless everyone upgrades.
ps. i'm still open for other formats to dump to. real-stuff seems most accessible to everyone.
I would prefer MBone myself :-) bye, ken emery