At Hurricane, most of our IPv6 peerings are exchanging over IPv6 addresses. In general, most routers work better if you run IPv4 peering on IPv4 and IPv6 peering on IPv6. In many cases, this is because the configuration files are less confusing more than any underlying dependency in the router OS. YMMV, but, my recommendation is to peer v6 on v6 and v4 o v4. Owen On May 24, 2010, at 11:21 AM, Thomas Magill wrote:
From the provider side, are most of you who are implementing IP6 peerings running BGP over IP4 and just using IP6 address families to exchange routes or doing IP6 peering?
Thomas Magill Network Engineer
Office: (858) 909-3777
Cell: (858) 869-9685 mailto:tmagill@providecommerce.com <mailto:tmagill@providecommerce.com>
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San Diego, CA 92121
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