This subject is probably was off topic here. It's just that Meigs is a passion for all pilots, considered one of the most beautiful airport destinations in the US. for anyone that has flight simulator it's the most often chosen destination and the one always highlighted by the vendor. It has been a target for closure for many many years because they want to turn the land into some kind of crazy project or other... sort of a public works project that probably wont add much value. Meanwhile if you are from the midwest and want to get to nanog without delays, quickly and easily, Meigs is literally right downtown, right in the lake. Just respect that this is another one of those causes us nanog types are drawn too, almost hopeless causes under attack by bureaucrats with irrational agendas. At this point Im not sure there is much we can do. In the FUTURE perhaps the list should be allowed to give comments on proposed locations and hosts prior to official selection... /rant Dave At 11:51 -0500 4/11/03, Daniel Golding wrote:
This is a joke, right? A disagreement over civil aviation and local politics is being labeled as "terrorism" and for this (completely off-topic) reason, we are to somehow protest or boycott? I sincerely doubt that this situation will have any kind of significant impact on NANOG or ARIN attendance.
- Dan
On Thu, 10 Apr 2003, Mark Radabaugh wrote:
As such, it is not unlikely that mayor Daley's act of terrorism (done in the name of security, by the way) has operational impact. Hopefully by October, Meigs will be operational and this will be moot. However, if it is not, it will be very difficult for me to bring myself to attend. (If it were anything less than ARIN/NANOG, I simply would not attend).
If anyone wants more information about the destruction of Meigs field, please see http://www.aopa.org. Please send any comments/questions to me off-list. I suspect the rest of the group doesn't want to hear the flames/etc.
Owen (donning nomex now)
Actually I'm glad to see it brought up. As a fellow pilot I am equally appalled by the mayors actions. I agree completely with the boycott and would like to see this brought to the attention of the city that ARIN/NANOG may have trouble attracting members to Chicago due to the terrorist acts of their mayor.
Mark Radabaugh Amplex (419) 720-3635