Anyone seeing issues with reachability for tools.ietf.org in IPv6? v4 works fine for me, but oh, the timeouts. :( Tracing the route to tools.ietf.org (2001:1890:1112:1:214:22FF:FE1F:1E54) 1 bnet6-2.tunnel.tserv2.fmt.ipv6.he.net (2001:470:1F03:1031::1) 64 msec 64 msec 64 msec 2 1g-3-9.core1.fmt1.ipv6.he.net (2001:470:0:44::3) 76 msec 72 msec 76 msec 3 10gigabitethernet1-1.core1.pao1.he.net (2001:470:0:2E::2) 64 msec 64 msec 64 msec 4 10gigabitethernet2-4.core1.ash1.he.net (2001:470:0:35::2) 144 msec 140 msec 140 msec 5 ibr01-ve96.asbn01.occaid.net (2001:504:0:2:0:3:71:1) 140 msec 140 msec 140 msec 6 r1.flpnj.ipv6.att.net (2001:4830:E2:2B::2) 148 msec 148 msec 148 msec 7 2001:1890:61:9117::2 224 msec 228 msec 224 msec 8 2001:1890:61:9117::2 !H * *