On Sat, Mar 31, 2001 at 11:00:32AM -0800, Roeland Meyer wrote:
From: Bora Akyol [mailto:akyol@akyol.org]
I don't understand why they don't go to planned blackouts instead of unplanned blackouts. This may actually drive the demand down and price with it. Plus maybe the population would decline with people migrating to South Dakota and all (for those of you that are not living in the SF Bay Area, S.D. has been advertising extensively on the radio as a good place to do business with ample energy).
The argument against such planned blackouts are, Crypts, Bloods, F-troop, et al. (gangs/looters, for those whom aren't familiar) IOW, physical security. Numerous blackouts have proven that social predators take advantage of situations where no one can see them, the power is out, and the police are otherwise occupied.
conversely, it gives everyone (homeowners, police, private security, noc monkies, et al) a chance to plan accordingly. OTOH, if you go with unplanned blackouts.. its not that difficult for organized thieves to use diffused lookouts communicating via radio/cell/pcs/sms with their buddies who just drive in a few pickups/vans and scoop away the stuff when the lights go out.. -- Brian Russo <brusso@phys.hawaii.edu> Debian/GNU Linux <wolfie@debian.org> http://www.debian.org LPSG "member" <wolfie@lpsg.org> http://www.lpsg.org -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-