On Oct 29, 2007 11:01 PM, Tuc at T-B-O-H.NET <ml@t-b-o-h.net> wrote:
"Fix your forwarding a lot better". Not sure what this means. My machines are MX's for the clients domain. They accept it, and either forward it around locally to one of the processing MX's or ARE one one of the processing MX's. Its
Yes, that's just how forwarding and .forwards work.
And if you mix inbound email (much dirtier than outbound email even if you run a secure shop) into a mail stream that includes email sent out by your clients, you potentially have random botnet spam, spam from sbl listed spammers etc (in other words, a lot of "block on sight" stuff) leaking through your IP, the same IP that a bunch of your other customers use to mail out to their aunt mary on yahoo.
AH, I see the confusion. We are a managed server hosting company, not a Cable/DSL/T#/Dialup provider. The only way mail gets sent out of here is Webmail, FormMail and Mail exploder. I'm pretty sure none of our systems have been comprimised and forwards mail that we don't know about.
The numbers from that one .forward are enough to screw up the rest of your numbers, a 5% or less complaint rate on email from your IP (and believe me, if your user is jackass enough to click report spam on email that comes through his .forward the complaints can go up real high) .. is enough to get your IP blocked.
Except for maybe unfortunately backscatter from people CLAIMING to originate email from our clients, our outbound should be fairly low volume and reasonably clean.
Dealing with tier 1 support anywhere (not the least of where is yahoo) is always a pain. Which is why what I am suggesting is avoidance and prevention rather than going around alternatively begging yahoo to fix something or accusing them on nanog of being arrogant.
I'm not begging Yahoo to fix something, just to accept our mail. I'm doing the best I can, and I'm sure to the DETRIMENT of the user, to cut down on the spam, but short of having someone physically inspect all email for spam and backscatter I really can't do much else (Except get the user to have a local Webmail which I know they don't want). Tuc/TBOH