So, Mark, you're saying that your routers did not have a problem? If your routers did have a problem, did it affect other providers? If it did affect other providers, were you available to resolve the problems in a timely manner? ] Gordon Cook asks of an inappropriate audience: I'm not certain it's innapropriate. If someone's trying to play with us, and causing us problems, then I would like to know about it. ] >> does anyone know what happened? ] ] The Digex report is seriously flawed. Ed Kern of Digex has told us ] that he is looking into how the conclusions in that report were reached. How is the report flawed? ] However, I'm sure that Kern didn't think that he would have to share ] his findings with nanog, inet-access, and agislist... Could you share your findings? If there was a problem, I think we'd all prefer an explanation rather than a finger shaking for having interest. -alan