On Mon, 1 Aug 2005, Bjørn Mork wrote:
The poor guy/gal at the other end of the line will need a really good answer. Does anyone here have one?
to avoid being technical i guess the only answer would be to say this is a private service offered to tiscali users and is not available to any non tiscali users (you might want to point out this is 99.9% of the world in case $cust feels like switching)
Not to mention the answers we need for the market droids...
"Hey, I heard that Tiscali is offering more Internet than us at no extra cost, and they make a lot of money on it too. How soon can we start doing the same?"
tell them you've been able to do it all along, its your network and you can provide any unique content that you like, providing they understand this is unique for your custs only .. think intranet
This puts a lot of pressure on other European ISPs, and eventually also North American ISPs (to make this on-topic :-) I hope the rest of us can stand together against it. A good start would be to come up with a common response to the two pressure groups outlined above.
a better worded explanation on a webpage would be good i guess... anyway, i'm off the the UNIDT website, i hear '.tiscali' hasnt been registered yet ;p Steve