:It appears Worldcom is learning. A few years ago when Worldcom had :an outage affecting the Chicago Board of Trade, Mr. Ebbers didn't make :a public statement for over a week. This time Worldcom had a public :statement in less than five hours. It appears that they're learning that public disclosure is necessary for high-profile problems that will inevitably be picked up quickly by the AP or others. The ten-thousand dollar question is who authorized _development testing_ on a production network at 2:30pm - NASDAQ or Wcom? "Routine testing" at 2:30pm? Or was it a fluke related to a problem with personnel management? Will the press accept Bernie's quote and forget the incident? Probably. :BTW, did anyone ever receive an actual explaination for what happened :two years ago when Worldcom lost their frame-relay? I never did. Nothing beyond the standard upgrade-gone-wrong stuff. I have yet to find details as simple as to which sw ver they were upgrading from, and upgrading to. Information which, combined with subsequent events, could certainly aid others. It would be interesting to at least learn if they attempted to do a batch upgrade, or if they staggered upgrades, but ran into database inconsistencies related to the upgrade. cheers, brian