----- Original Message ----- From: "Mufti Ahmed" <Mufti.Ahmed@reuters.com> To: <nanog@merit.edu> Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2000 6:11 PM Subject: 128 bit Encryption
Does Anyone know if 128Bit Encryption is allowed outside the US? Are
there any
issues that ISPs have to face whether it is or not? And does anyone know where i can get info on this if it is allow? - (Rules & Regulations if any)?
128-bit crypto is allowed almost everywhere. For a precise view country per country check: http://www2.epic.org/reports/crypto2000/ Now if you are US based, your problem is to know if you are allowed to export 128-bit crypto to a given country. To check this out go to: http://www.bxa.doc.gov/Encryption/Default.htm It is my understanding that: U.S. exporters will be able to export and reexport all encryption items, except cryptanalytic products and their related technology, immediately to EU member states, Australia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Japan, New Zealand, Norway, Poland and Switzerland without a license (i.e., under a license exception). For other countries you need a license. The following countries (zones) are banned of 128-bit product exports: Afghanistan (Taliban-controlled areas), Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Libya, North Korea, Serbia (except Kosovo), Sudan and Syria.