A Mikrotik Routerboard supports IPv6. Fairly cheap, under $100. But not easy enough for a novice home user to configure on their own. Could be a good cpe if it was pre-configured from the service provider though. I use a MT box at home which serves as my router, dual stack, and then set's up an IPv6 tunnel to SIXXS. Very stable platform. Only drawback is the lack of support for IPv6 over PPP. -- Chris Gotstein Sr Network Engineer UP Logon/Computer Connection UP Iron Mountain, MI 49801 Wade Peacock wrote:
We had a discussion today about IPv6 today. During our open thinking the topic of client equipment came up. We all commented that we have not seen any consumer grade IPv6 enable internet gateways (routers/firewalls), a kin to the ever popular Linksys 54G series, DLinks , SMCs or Netgears.
Does anyone have any leads to information about such products (In production or planned production)?
We are thinking that most vendors are going to wait until Ma and Pa home user are screaming for them.