http://www.hughes.com.au/products/traffacct/ Built specifically for byte accounting for billing purposes and can poll a number of devices. Built for billing and free (though not maintained it 'just works'). Brent Brent Paddon Director | Over the Wire Pty Ltd brent.paddon@overthewire.com.au | www.overthewire.com.au Phone: 07 3847 9292 | Fax: 07 3847 9696 | Mobile: 0400 2400 54 | Direct: 07 3503 4807 Dale Turner wrote:
Good morning all,
I hope my post isn't too off topic but I was wondering if anyone is using some open source or purchased software that would give me the monthly Data transfer from cisco switch ports so I can monitor/bill against some hosting customers. I know we can create our own but looking to see if there was something that anyone is using and recommends.
Thank you very much
Dale Turner