12 Aug
12 Aug
6:26 a.m.
On 11/Aug/15 16:00, Adam Greene wrote:
Have opinions changed since then? Or is Cogent still the "budget alternative to have in your mix, but better to stay away from if you need high-performance, reliable, mostly standalone bandwidth" (which is how I would summarize the consensus in 2012)?
We use Cogent. No major drama. Then again, we have 7x of the top global providers in the mix. My take is if you want to be single-homed, buy from a network slightly lower in the chain to the top providers. They'll have a good blend. If you want to buy from Cogent, buy from a slightly smaller ISP as well, or add one or two other global providers into your mix. I'd do this anyway, whether it was Cogent or not. Mark.