At 12:00 AM 2/7/2004, Adi Linden wrote:
There are valid reasons not to run antivirus software,
And they are?
P90w/32MB running Win95 used for email only...
Odd... When that was a state of the art machine for which I paid $3k+ in 1995 (IRC) I used a CLI virus scanner and before I opened anything from a BBS or the Internet, I would scan it. AVAST, FSecure, Norton, McAfee, and all others with which I am familiar still have a CLI version too. If it is only used for email, they can probably wait a few seconds longer to access files. They are already waiting a long time to do anything with that computer. :)
or insufficient finances to purchase anti virus software... to name a couple.
Not a valid excuse/reason. www.avast.com - It is excellent AV software and it is completely FREE for non-commercial use. R Tellurian Networks - The Ultimate Internet Connection http://www.tellurian.com | 888-TELLURIAN | 973-300-9211 "Good will, like a good name, is got by many actions, and lost by one." - Francis Jeffrey