28 Apr
28 Apr
7:20 a.m.
sthaug@nethelp.no wrote:
I'd venture to say that this is the result of the following phenomena:
Block all APNIC and RIPE assigned networks at the border and all of the sudden, hack attempts and CC fraud disappear.
It's fan-%^ing-tasticly simple to do and so very effective.
And if I block the ARIN assigned networks, most of the spam I receive disappears. It's very effective.
Yet both tactics, somehow, seem like overkill.. **SJS (stating the obvious) -- North Shore Technologies, Cleveland, OH http://NorthShoreTechnologies.net sjsobol@NorthShoreTechnologies.net - 888.480.4NET - 216.619.2NET "Never attribute to malice events more properly attributed to corporate greed." --Me, March 28th, 2000