* Randy Bush <randy@psg.com> [2004-04-25 19:16]:
yes, one can use freebsd as a router. and i think it's kick-ass that md5 tcp is being worked to freebsd's normal level of support. thank you!
You're welcome, but our code goes to the OpenBSD reporsitory before the others can pick it up.
even in the developing economies, where labor is even cheaper than here in george's economic disaster, folk trying to build and maintain real commercial isps use real commercial routers. and yes, they cost too <bleeping> much, are too large, take too much power, and blow more heat than a vendor engineer blows smoke.
My main issue with those big commercial routers, especially those from this San Jose based company, is the quality of their software. -- Henning Brauer, BS Web Services, http://bsws.de hb@bsws.de - henning@openbsd.org Unix is very simple, but it takes a genius to understand the simplicity. (Dennis Ritchie)