And what do we see: 6bone space and still in use.
As a lot of places correctly filter it out, the PMTU's get dropped, as they are supposed to be dropped.
The whois.6bone.net registry is fun of course:
inet6num: 3FFE:800::/24 netname: ISI-LAP descr: Harry Try IPv6 country: CA
one very good reason to not trust whois databases.
Fortunately it still also has:
ipv6-site: ISI-LAP origin: AS4554 descr: LAP-EXCHANGE Los Angeles country: US
Which matches what GRH has on list for it: Bill.
Now I have a very very very simple question:
Can you folks finally, a year after the 6bone was supposed to be completely gone, renumber from out that 6bone address space that you are not supposed to use anymore?
Sure... there are only a few left. Got rid of two a couple weeks back. That said.... I will announce the prefix as long as people are using it. (whine away)
Thank you, I sincerely hope that this matter will finally be resolved.
It will, but not on your arbitrary timetable.
Greets, Jeroen