That’s funny... sure you don’t want to watch her do some home decorating or house projects like fixing the sink ? ;-) -- J. Hellenthal The fact that there's a highway to Hell but only a stairway to Heaven says a lot about anticipated traffic volume.
On Jan 17, 2021, at 14:06, Javier J <javier@advancedmachines.us> wrote:
WTF is this? Responding to a thread on NANOG is now emailing politicians?
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: <press@ocasiocortez.com> Date: Sun, Jan 17, 2021 at 1:31 PM Subject: Re: Re: Nashville To: Javier J <javier@advancedmachines.us>
Hi there,
Thanks very much for your message, and for reaching out to the campaign office of Representative Ocasio-Cortez! For press inquiries, please reach out to our Press Secretary, Ivet Contreras, at ivet@ocasiocortez.com. We also recommend following Alexandria on Twitter for direct quotes and real-time updates. Sign up for our press advisory list here. If you are a resident of New York's 14th Congressional District and are reaching out for assistance, please contact Alexandria's congressional team directly by visiting https://ocasio-cortez.house.gov/contact. If you are reaching out to request a meeting or invite Alexandria to an event, please visit https://ocasio-cortez.house.gov/scheduling-request and submit a Scheduling Request for review by Alexandria's congressional schedulers. If your inquiry is not press-related, please email us@ocasiocortez.com.
Thank you again for reaching out, and we hope to be able to connect with you soon!