I wonder how many of these "pseudo-anarchists" are bewailing the lack of regulation in the financial markets, given the events of the past couple of months? A certain amount of regulation and oversight is needed, both in the financial world and on the Internet. I am all for seeing how little we can get by with, but clearly, some is needed. On Wed, Nov 12, 2008 at 3:55 PM, Jeff Shultz <jeffshultz@wvi.com> wrote:
Jason Ross wrote:
On Wed, Nov 12, 2008 at 14:16, Nick Newman <NNewman@nw3c.org> wrote:
How many cops does it take to throw a community lynching?
None. The question that remains is: Why is the community having to resort to lynching?
Following the metaphor and using the US "Old West" as an example, lynchings were largely due to one of the following:
* a lack of organized law enforcement * a lack of effective law enforcement
The problem is that to fix either of those problems you'd have to wade through a fever swamp of "facists online!" claims from all the pseudo-anarchists who start twitching at the thought of any agency imposing it's will on the internet.
-- Jeff Shultz
-- To him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy