On Jun 28, 2021, at 5:19 AM, Scott Aldrich <scott.aldrich.us@gmail.com> wrote:
Anyone have an idea how to get HE/ShadowServer,org servers to stop attempting to penetrate the comcast drop at my house? Their website claims altruism.. but my logs dont support that claim.
I have no connection with Shadowserver, and no idea what you’re actually seeing or whether it represents a misconfiguration or bad idea on Shadowserver’s part or not. But as someone who frequently receives brief outraged emails from people who have discovered my insidious plot to infiltrate their recursive nameservers with packets from port 53, I find that sometimes if people use more words to explain what they’re seeing, they find that it isn’t what they at first thought it was. So, using more words, what specifically are you observing, that leads you to believe that Shadowserver is attempting to penetrate your home network? -Bill