next thing you know, Google is going to be offering free email so they can do the same thing. On Fri, 25 Oct 2013 08:45:40 -0700 Shrdlu <shrdlu@deaddrop.org> wrote:
I hate to do this, but it's something that anyone managing email servers (or just using a smart phone to update LI) needs to know about. I just saw this on another list I'm on, and I know that there are folks on NANOG that are on LinkedIn.
++++++++++ http://www.bishopfox.com/blog/2013/10/linkedin-intro/
LinkedIn released a new product today called Intro. They call it ___doing the impossible___, but some might call it ___hijacking email___. Why do we say this? Consider the following:
Intro reconfigures your iOS device (e.g. iPhone, iPad) so that all of your emails go through LinkedIn___s servers. You read that right. Once you install the Intro app, all of your emails, both sent and received, are transmitted via LinkedIn___s servers. LinkedIn is forcing all your IMAP and SMTP data through their own servers and then analyzing and scraping your emails for data pertaining to___whatever they feel like.
Read the full article. If you're using LI via your smart phone, and you have already installed this app, you probably need to save off your contacts and data, and wipe the phone. I wouldn't trust uninstalling as enough, myself. In the long run, I'll be deleting my account.
No, I don't use a smart phone to update any social media. No, I especially do not trust LI (never have, never will). BTW, they're currently adding back any contacts you've deleted. Thanks for reminding me that Joe Barr, Len Sassaman, and Jay D Dyson are gone from this world.
-- Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we are here, we might as well dance.