On 11/29/2012 10:36 AM, Cameron Byrne wrote:
Got some bad data here. Let me help.
Sent from ipv6-only Android On Nov 29, 2012 8:22 AM, "Michael Thomas" <mike@mtcc.com <mailto:mike@mtcc.com>> wrote:
Phone apps, by and large, are designed by people in homes or small companies. They do not have v6 connectivity. Full stop. They don't care about v6. Full stop. It's not their fault, even if you think they should invest a significant amount of time to fix theoretical problems.
Phone apps generally work with ipv6 since they are developed using high level and modern sdk's.
My sample says over 85% of Android Market top apps work fine on ipv6. For folks to really get in trouble they need to be using NDK... that is where the ipv4-only apis live, not SDK afaik ... NDK implies greater knowledge and risk in Android.
The apps that fail are not from noobies in a garage. The failures are from Microsoft/Skype , Netflix , Amazon Prime streaming , Spotify and other well heeled folks that are expected to champion technology evolution. And, Microsoft and Netflix were certainly part of world v6 launch. They just have more work to do.
Ie, the referral problem. One would expect those to have problems because referrals suck generally, and are tangled up horrifically with NAT traversal. I don't really worry about those guys so much because it's just a business case rather than cluelessness. The fact that they aren't getting bit hard enough to make that business case says something. Which is why all of this gnashing of the teeth toward developers is wildly off the mark. It's the network that's the problem.
So, please note: most Android apps work on v6. Millions of mobile phone subscribers have ipv6 (all vzw LTE by default, all t-mobile samsung by phone configuration). The problem apps are from top tech companies, not garage devs.
Yeah, I just checked having switch to vzw yesterday: Galaxy S3 ipv6, iphone5 ipv4. Mike