On (2012-12-20 11:02 +0100), Phil Regnauld wrote:
I have same opinion for NMS also. Everything I see offered is terrible and do not even solve easy-to-solve problems correctly.
Right, that's what's great about Open Source :D
The comment fully applies to system like HP OV or NNM or what is it called today. It does nothing worth while to you without putting hours and hours of work into it. While it's easy to define what every SP wants out of NMS which can be turn-key, without spamming people with so many alarms that they stop caring about them. You can literally start from 0 and in 2h have software to send traps to IRC/XMPP and get alarms from link up/down, isis up/down, bgp up/down, ldp up/down, hardware inserted/removed, PSU offline/online etc. Which already to my demands is superior I can get out of any system in 2h I've looked into. -- ++ytti