Security is a layered approach though. I can't recall any server or service that runs in listening state (and reachable from public address space) that hasn't had some type of remotely exploitable vulnerability. It's hard to lean on operating systems and software companies to default services to off. When you run "netstat -a" on a lot of operating systems there are too many things in listening state without a convincing enough reason. NAT is stateful only out of necessity but after IPv6 a small layer of security will go away but there is potentially another alternative. Scanning blocks of IPv6 addresses for valid hosts is mostly a waste of time but you could do things like looking at server logs or getting IP addresses of clients you are connected with on P2P networks. A good way to prevent that is to assign multiple IPv6 addresses to operating systems as security "zones" so a source address a browser or P2P client would use is not the same one with potentially remotely exploitable services running in listening state. As a bonus they should probably take it one step further and just place web browsers and email clients in a dedicated VM sandbox that can be blown out and recreated in case of infection or persistent browser toolbars and stuff. So far malware seems to be winning the war so it might be best to just acknowledge that people are likely to be attacked successfully and attempt to quarantine it when it happens. It would probably be less intrusive than trying to force people into restricted user accounts so I never understood why nobody ever really pushed for this. Technical users have been running suspect code and links in VM's for a while now. On Wed, Apr 30, 2014 at 1:13 AM, Owen DeLong <owen@delong.com> wrote:
On Apr 29, 2014, at 7:54 PM, Jeff Kell <jeff-kell@utc.edu> wrote:
On 4/29/2014 2:06 PM, Owen DeLong wrote:
If everyone who had 30+ inaggregable IPv4 prefixes replaced them with 1 (or even 3) IPv6 prefixes…
As a bonus, we could get rid of NAT, too. ;-)
/me ducks (but you know I had to say it)
Yeah, just when we thought Slammer / Blaster / Nachi / Welchia / etc / etc had been eliminated by process of "can't get there from here"... we expose millions more endpoints...
/me ducks too (but you know *I* had to say it)
Pretending that endpoints are not exposed to those things with NAT is kind of like putting a screen door in front of a bank vault and saying “now safe from tornadoes”.