Registration is now *open* for the 23rd Meeting of the North American Network Operators' Group. The meeting will be held October 21-23 at the Oakland Marriott City Center in Oakland, California, and will be hosted by Cisco Systems. Online Registration URL: https://www.merit.edu/nanog/registration.form.html.0110 Hotel Information URL: http://www.nanog.org/mtg-0110/hotel.html *********************************************************** CALL FOR PRESENTATIONS NANOG 23 October 21-23, 2001 The North American Network Operators' Group (NANOG) will hold its 23rd meeting in Oakland, CA, between October 21-23, 2001. The meeting will be hosted by Cisco Systems. NANOG conferences provide a forum for the coordination and dissemination of technical information related to large-scale (i.e., national/international) Internet backbone networking technologies and operational practices. NANOG meetings, held three times each year, include two days of short presentations, plus afternoon/evening tutorial sessions. Meetings are informal, with an emphasis on relevance to current backbone engineering practices. The conference draws over 600 participants, mainly consisting of engineering staff from large national service providers, and members of the research and education community. The meeting will be held at the Oakland Marriott City Center. For more information about NANOG meetings, schedules, and logistics, see: http://www.nanog.org --------------------------------------------------------- CALL FOR PRESENTATIONS The special theme for NANOG23 is Backbone Security. We invite presentations on security topics, including IPSec, traffic filtering, DoS, and configuration and protection of the backbone infrastructure. In addition to the themed security session, NANOG also invites presentations on topics related to backbone engineering and operations. Previous meetings have included presentations on: - Backbone traffic engineering - Coordination of inter-provider QoS - Inter-provider security and routing protocol authentication - Routing scalability in backbone infrastructures - Routing policy specification and backbone router configuration - Building large-scale measurement infrastructure - Cooperative inter-provider caching - Alternatives to hot-potato routing - Recommendations on queue management and congestion avoidance - Experience with differentiated services - Inter-domain multicast deployment - Backbone network failure analysis Tutorials have covered topics such as: - BGP case studies - MPLS fundamentals - IP multicast technologies - ISPs and federal privacy law --------------------------------------------------------- HOW TO PRESENT Submit an informal one- or two-paragraph abstract describing the presentation in email to nanog-support@nanog.org. The deadline for proposals is September 10, 2001. While the majority of speaking slots will be filled by September 10, a limited number of slots will be available after that date for topics that are exceptionally timely and important. Submissions will be reviewed by the NANOG Program Committee, and presenters will be notified of acceptance by September 24, 2001. NANOG also welcomes suggestions/recommendations for tutorials, panels and other presentation topics.