On 3/23/21 17:11, Seth Mattinen wrote:
Okay great for those apps, but if nobody tells me where the new action is... how does that help me? With the list here at least it's on NANOG's website and they tell you how to join in.
This feels like you're saying people are not worthy of being included in the future because they don't "know" when they should just know if they are worth being included.
To be honest, if you don't hear about it, you probably aren't the target market :-). Happens to me all the time, don't take it personally. I recently found out about Clubhouse, for example. But it's been around, for a while now. I'm not saying that NOG lists are irrelevant - I'm just saying that the kids are flipping between screens faster than they can think. Us geezers are bound to lag in their world. But if the time is right, we shall hear about the Snapchat of the day so we can prepare our networks for ensuing breakage. Mark.