On 1/Aug/20 15:50, Ca By wrote:
Aviation is regulated.
Which is my point. While, like you, I am not in support in heavy-handed regulation like most life & death industries require, we also can't be leaving our industry open for any actor to do as they please.
I am not normally supporting a heavy hand in regulation, but i think it is fair to say Noction and similar BGP optimizers are unsafe at any speed and the FTC or similar should ban them in the USA. They harm consumers and are a risk to national security / critical infrastructure
Noction and similar could have set basic defaults (no-export, only create /25 bogus routes to limit scope), but they have been clear that their greed to suck up traffic does not benefit from these defaults and they wont do it.
Tar and feather them. FTC, do your job.
FTC has done good work before https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/press-releases/2017/01/ftc-charges-d-link-pu...
Noction — delete your account
+1. Mark.