26 Sep
26 Sep
8:52 p.m.
At 01:37 PM 9/26/2002 -0700, Lane Patterson wrote:
I would confirm GM's assertion. Also, if you have the luxury of caring more about a smaller set of large-capacity Tier1 private peers, there is some presence of AsiaPac providers doing this at Equinix SJ.
Actually Equinix-Los Angeles has more Asian based Networks coming in for turn-up in October than any other region from details gathered this week. Chunghwa is in as of this week. SingTel, Japan Telecom, Hanaro, are on track for peer-ready in October. DACOM is considering, etc. It appears that JPNAP is growing very fast: http://www.jpnap.net/english/index.html <click on services, then traffic>. Rising from zero to 8G in a year is pretty steep. -ren, always pulling Los Angeles <G>