On Wed, 28 Jun 2000, L. Sassaman wrote:
requirements for a keyserer are. I asked Randy Harmon, the administrator for certserver.pgp.com, to see if he could answer that question for me. His response is below.
If we assume 10 times the volume as today (1.1 million keys on the server), and 10 servers to balance the search load, then the bandwidth for each server would be roughly:
Searches: 160 MB Adds/Mods: 28 MB Replications: 28 MB outgoing 280 MB incoming ============= 496 MB/day 15 GB/month
Multiply by 10 for 100,000,000 keys.
OK. So if we take 15GB/mo, it's aproximately 45Kb/s of bandwidth. Even at 3rd Tier pricing, I don't know anyone who uses PGP who wouldn't be willing to donate $45/mo to the cause. If someone wants to donate the hardware, we'll gladly host a keyserver. --- John Fraizer EnterZone, Inc