On 2015-02-27 12:49, Stephen Sprunk wrote:
This case seems to prove that the telco/cable duopoly can't _always_ buy the FCC rulings they desire; every now and then, the US govt surprises us and actually represents the people.
*snrk* Really? Ok, I'll let my Inner Cynic out for a romp - the US government generally tends to represent only itself, which is not precisely the same thing as the people. I'll go way out on a limb and post a quote from a polemic snark-piece recently posted on the Net Neutrality decision: === "Why is this so difficult to understand? When forced to choose between big corporations and big government, you should never choose big government because whatever you don’t like about the big corporations WILL ALSO BE PRESENT IN BIG GOVERNMENT, ONLY WORSE, AND WITH GUNS." === And when the big corporations and the big government are thoroughly cross-pollinated, we're doubly screwed. Rest assured, the Verizons and AT&Ts in the world will make out just FINE as the FCC starts regulating the crap out of the situation. The Rest of Us™? Probably not so much. :) -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bruce H. McIntosh bhm@ufl.edu Senior Network Engineer http://net-services.ufl.edu University of Florida Network Services 352-273-1066