On Tuesday, February 24, 2004 3:09 PM [EST], Dan Hollis <goemon@anime.net> wrote:
On Tue, 24 Feb 2004, Jason Nealis wrote:
It's a module plug-in into bind and if you prefer to try and do this in a opt-in basis they have a client program that you download and it gets hooked into the users browser.
This is the right way to do it, end user opt in, and browser only.
Unlaterally forcing it upon everyone and breaking non www based apps is the wrong way to do it.
Also means less profit. We already know for a fact that Verisign/Netsol could give a damn about whats right and wrong, and whats a good way to do something and whats a bad way to do something. Anything that cuts into their profit they will kick and scream bloody murder until they get their way. Remember what happened when they were forced to allow other registars access to their database? I remember specifically service quality go horribly through the floor, requests getting screwed up, almost on purpose, billing messups that never happened before, etc. And this suddenly happened right around the same time that their monopoly was forcefully taken away. I dont even want to ponder what kind of outages and other issues we will have if they don't get their way. I have a feeling that I'm going to get whacked for violating the AUP of the list, but oh well. Truth hurts. -- Brian Bruns The Summit Open Source Development Group Open Solutions For A Closed World / Anti-Spam Resources http://www.sosdg.org The Abusive Hosts Blocking List http://www.ahbl.org