The hard facts are that carriers want to make money hopefully so they will locate where the money is. My chances of having closely located customers is greater in Newyork City say than somewhere distant You either have to pull circuits to the carrier you want or settle for someone local much smaller and in many cases much more likely to fail. Top providers will be located in top markets, why that's where the business is usually. On Thu, 30 May 2002, John Palmer wrote:
Its just that they aren't local and there is no need to pay for a circuit all the way to Chicago. It seems that so many providers have moved out of Macomb county. Anyone have any experience with BigNet? We are talking to them now
-----Original Message----- From: Bill Woodcock [mailto:woody@zocalo.net] Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2002 4:42 PM To: John Palmer Cc: nanog@nanog.org Subject: Re: Trying to find a connectivity provider that wont go under (was RE: CAIS/Ardent and now Network Access Solutions)
> Who can one rely on for connectivity? In general and in the Detroit area? > I put out a request for bids on T-1's and all the national providers were > way too high...
Haven't you just answered your own question? I guess if you think reliable service is too expensive, you're not in the market for reliable service, no?