On Tue, 21 May 2013, Morgan Miskell wrote:
I realize this topic is semi off point so feel free to reply to the list or to me personally. I am wondering if anyone has any experience using the APC In-row cooling units in their data centers. I am specifically looking at the ACRD501.
Do they work well? How long have you run them? Any maintenance issues?
Any input would be greatly appreciated.
We have some APC in-row coolers in our DR site. They've been in place for about 3 years, and no major maintenance issues that are outside of the norm. I believe we feed them off of our building chilled water loop, with a backup domestic water feed for times when the chilled water plant has to be taken offline for maintenance. I don't directly run our DR site, but I've never heard of any serious performance issues. I don't know the exact model of the coolers we're using, but I can find out. jms