On 12/29/2011 8:12 PM, Mark Andrews wrote:
Well I'd like to be able to plug in the cable router and the DSL router at home and have it all just work.
Well, that's not too far removed from the plugged-in laptop with the wireless still active. Toss-up which one wins default route. What would you "like" it to do? BGP feeds from both (likely not happening)? Defaults from both? Or you just want active/passive failover? The real-world case for host routing (IMHO) is a server with a public interface, an administrative interface, and possibly a third path for data backups (maybe four if it's VMware/VMotion too). Unless the non-public interfaces are flat subnets, you need some statics (today). It can be a challenge to get SysAdmins in a co-operative mindset to route that correctly (and repetitively if you have a server farm). I would be walking the fence on the virtues of automatic route discovery in that case versus the security of static routes/configurations. But home use from a host perspective? Jeff