On Fri, Sep 14, 2001 at 08:17:26AM -0400, M. David Leonard wrote:
If I'm bitten by a rabid dog and I have it put down, that's not revenge. That's prudence. Faced with an incurable disease/mindset capable of causing more misery/illness/death one finds oneself in the invidious position of having to decide between several obviously unpleasant and previously unacceptable alternatives. It's not fair - any of it - but it's the situation nonetheless.
David Leonard ShaysNet
On Thu, 13 Sep 2001, Patrick Greenwell wrote:
On Thu, 13 Sep 2001, Los, Ralph wrote:
True, there is no taking back what happened, but if GW issued an act of war, and did some re-arranging of the middle-east and the like, and places like Afganistan, Iraq, and the Palestinian militant states DISAPPEARED forever - no one, especially this blue-blooded American would shed a tear...and I as one...would see all the psycho-terrorists to hell.
Revenge begets revenge.
OK, put aside all questions of motivation (revenge vs. prudence, etc.) Putting down a rabid dog is pretty much an atomic operation, without hugely significant side effects. Removing several countries, several governments, or several populations is a quite different proposition. I'm not aware of any such attempt along these lines in human history that fits the model of removal of a single animal of another species. We are (increasingly) interconnected, and our apparently distant actions reverberate with local consequences. Predicting consequences in complex systems is tricky business, but one thing we know is that human perceptions and beliefs are involved in these systems. Thinkers as diverse as Gautama to Machiavelli have recognized this - the latter wrote of the difficulty of pulling off a coup that can establish a successful governement because of the cycle of violence problem. As times get worse, as our emotions are jerked around, it is more important than ever that we see the world as it is, that we think as clearly about human systems as we do about other kind of networks, and that we not let our understandable desire for a different world lead us to make things worse by pursuing simplistic solutions. - Tom Barron barron@mr.net