On Fri, 18 Aug 1995, Hank Nussbacher wrote:
Ah. here is the rub. When you ISP buddies come back, you should ask them to return the origianal /22 for a /20. That way, the total size of the routing system stays the same!
Great idea. Know ANYONE who does that? The best I can do is give them a /20 (in addition to the original /22) if their growth warrants it.
Sure. We are starting to do that. We are trying to put into practice following allocation strategy: 1) when allocating, leave enough holes so the address space can be grown within that /16. For example, leaving next three spaces unallocated when assigning /24. We try to guess at who'll be growing and how much. It's not perfect, but it's better than nothing. 2) if the site returns /24, or /23, or /22, and we can't grow that address block, we try to see if we can recycle the old block and assign a new larger block. This way, if our internal routing changes, and our old aggregation scheme breaks, we keep renumbering to the minimum. -dorian ______________________________________________________________________________ Dorian Kim Email: dorian@cic.net 2901 Hubbard Drive Network Engineer Phone: (313)998-6976 Ann Arbor MI 48105 CICNet Network Systems Fax: (313)998-6105 http://www.cic.net/~dorian