I don't know anything about how jvnc.net runs their business, but a few weeks ago, they decided to start advertising some of my /19's, along with a bunch of other AGIS routes, effectively taking me and a lot of AGIS customers off-line for several hours. Maybe they're still having routing problems... On Tue, 16 Apr 1996, Gordon Cook wrote:
For the last week the *ONLY* way I can hold a connection to tigger at jvnc.net has been to log into a net access machine in philly and telnet from there to tigger rather than telnet directly from my house. Both connections go througth the CIX to get me 20 miles up the road in New jersey!! When I get packets from this connection it is like a 1200 baud [..] I have complained to jvnc. They say they are laboring mightily to solve the problem and that a LOT of their users are affected. Not much luck so far ...still 300 baud service. BUT a traceroute from tigger to a commercial web site in wash DC run by PSI goes through MCI's MAE EAST ++ router which is where *MY* packets oughtta go rather than to California and back. Anyone have any idea why? The person I asked at JVNC today didn't. Here are the two traces done within the last 30 minutes.