So I would like some professional expert opinion to give her on this issue since it will effect the copyright inducement bill. Real benefits for production and professional usage of this technology.
We have no idea what the benefits of P2P are going to be or what the technology is ultimately going to look like. It will be at least a decade before anyone has a clue and maybe much longer. And, btw, IMO the MD5 collision is sufficient to judge MD5 unsuitable for checking file authenticity in a P2P application. A denial of service attack could, potentially, be launched by anyone who could create a block with the same MD5 checksum as any block in the application. To do this, they need only create a collision for the first chunk of that block, which now seems doable. (Yes, I know the difference between producing a collision and producing a collision for a given block. It's just that this difference is all that's left.) MD5 is still perfectly suitable for any number of applications where the ability for a hacker to produce a collision to a given block is not sufficient to destroy the security of the scheme. DS