I believe this isn't the actual process, however recent reorganization has brought with it a new tier of "entry level" order/service management that's not fully up to speed on things. You'll want to ask your account team for a dedicated project manager to help with the process. HTH, -a On Fri, Jun 10, 2016 at 12:02 PM, Fredy Kuenzler <kuenzler@init7.net> wrote:
On 10.06.2016 16:00, Mike Hammett wrote:
Who has moved an Equinix IX port? We're told that it's a full cancellation, re-order, re IPs, re-peering, etc.
Can anyone lend any input either way on that?
Same issue here. Super complicated. I'm tempted to stop the process after the first step.
-- Fredy Kuenzler
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Init7 (Switzerland) Ltd. AS13030 St.-Georgen-Strasse 70 CH-8400 Winterthur Skype: flyingpotato Phone: +41 44 315 4400 Fax: +41 44 315 4401 Twitter: @init7 / @kuenzler http://www.init7.net/