Jay, No, because transformers work in both directions :) Plus, to the previous commenter that talked about “suicide cords”: they’’re more correctly termed “homicide cords”: “ The lineman killed yesterday was working for Pike Electric and picked up a line that was connected to someones house that hooked up a generator and did not disconnect from the distribution system. The linemans name was Ronnie Adams, age unknown. He had two children and a wife. As far as I know he was from Louisiana. They are trying to set up a fund for his family, but nothing I have heard of yet. I will let yall know more as I hear of it. I wish they would really teach folks the proper connection of generators, this was a really tragic and preventable accident. Stay Safe and think about it before you do it.” https://powerlineman.com/lforum/showthread.php?711-Storm-Death -mel On Aug 25, 2021, at 10:12 AM, Jay Hennigan <jay@west.net> wrote: On 8/25/21 07:04, Mark Tinka wrote: On 8/25/21 15:59, Ethan O'Toole wrote: How would this not load the generator or inverter into oblivion? Not sure I understand your question. Say again, please. If you fail to isolate your generator from the incoming utility feed so that you're back-feeding the utility and the power is out for your neighborhood or the whole city, would not the load of trying to light up the whole town completely overwhelm your little generator to the point that it fails, stalls, or trips its own output breaker? -- Jay Hennigan - jay@west.net Network Engineering - CCIE #7880 503 897-8550 - WB6RDV