On Thu, 15 Aug 2002, Chris Parker wrote:
Well, it was one of ALGX downstreams leaking to them. Shame on them for not filtering their customer properly. How many times do we have to learn this lesson?
As much as it would be nice if everyone used prefix-lists on their customer BGP sessions, but sometimes this is not possible, or cumbersome. I know from past experience as a transit customer, that I have personally shyed away from ISP's that have restricted me to having their NOC update my ACL. However, I don't really see a reason why ISP's shouldn't implement max-prefixes on their customer sessions; This would not prevent against very small prefix leaks, but would prevent partial and whole routing table leaks that impact many networks. How many of you that currently do not filter your customer BGP sessions have max-prefixes configured? How many of you that currently do not filter your customer BGP sessions and do NOT have max-prefixes configured would be willing to configure the sessions to support this? Joe