As of this morning, neither DCA-ANS-01.INET.WWEST.NET nor SVL-ANS-01.INET.QWEST.NET no longer server up our two domains petsmart.com and statelinetack.com. If there is anyone from the Qwest DNS Group that can read this, this is a problem, please contact me offline... -Aaron Senior Network Engineer 623-587-2701 desk 480-495-2779 cell -----Original Message----- From: owner-nanog@merit.edu [mailto:owner-nanog@merit.edu] On Behalf Of Mark Borchers Sent: Tuesday, April 15, 2003 7:06 AM To: nanog@merit.edu Cc: Stephen Sprunk Subject: RE: Dealing with ARIN.. my experiences & tips
They can. I'm sure their provider will be happy to oblige, for a small fee.
No, I mean that you should be able to trade in both PI and PA blocks for a single new PI block. The policy, as written, only allows trade-ins of PI blocks. See my replies to David Conrad in this thread.
Been there and done exactly that. After submitting a request to renumber a number of PA blocks and a small PI block into a /18 in order to achieve some aggregation, it was processed by ARIN almost instantly. On that occasion at least, they exercised good stewardship in not only address management, but helping the route table, an area which they have explicitly stated is somewhat at odds with address conservation. I was impressed.
My fear is that the folks actually processing trade-in requests will insist on efficiency documentation (a la RFC2050) before proceeding. While I'd love to take your word that won't happen, why not make it part of the policy and eliminate any possible confusion?
That's reasonable.