At 02:23 PM 4/10/2008, you wrote:
Maybe we all should do the same to them until they quit spewing out all the Nigerian scams and the like that I've been seeing from their servers lately!
If there were an coordinated boycott, I would participate. Yahoo is *by far* the worst single abuser of our server among the "legitimate" email providers. I report dozens of spams from my personal account alone every day and never receive anything other than automated messages claiming to have dealt with the same abuse that continues around the clock or, worse, bogus/clueless claims that the IP in question is not theirs and suggestions that I check the same ARIN database that I used to confirm the responsible party in the first place. Until I read this thread, my suspicion was that all my spam reports were triggering the 4xx delays, and I'm still not sure that's not the case. (I only have one customer forwarding to yahoo.com, and that's post-filters.) Naturally, they delay mail to abuse@yahoo.com the same as any other mail. And, yes, I've tried to reach a human there. The only humans I ever reached briskly forwarded me to voice mail hell for customer support. So, I will start sending 5XX or 4XX messages to Yahoo if you guys will. I don't care if I have to spend all day on the phone with my customers explaining why. They hate spam, too, and they'll understand.