On 14-05-07 18:19, Landon wrote:
Before I go chasing this down does Telus traffic shape their DSL or Fibre subscribers? Customer using 50Mbps fiber gets excellent speeds on speedtest.net but looks like http and ssh (scp) transfers are capped at 1MBps (not 1Mbps) for non-popular hosts but uncapped for popular hosts. Just a hunch.
If Telus discriminates between some web site and others, it is a violation of ITMP rules http://crtc.gc.ca/eng/archive/2009/2009-657.htm I have not heard of of stories of Telus throttling. And any throttling/traffic shaping MUST be announced as part of the package you buy, and there is no mention of it (I could find) on the Telus web site. Is the speedtest on those unpopular sites always amost the same speed or does it vary from hour to hour/day to day ? aka: programmed speed limit, or just congestion on a link ? Note that purposefully buying insufficient capacity on a transit link to/from certain web sites would be an untested grey area under ITMP rules but could still make for a valid complain under both ITMP and 27(2) (undue preference) of the Telecom Act. You would have to report the performnce problem to Telus to see what they say. If they confirm it is a problem and it will be fixed, then you have no real recourse. If they confirm these links are purposefully kept congested, then time to sound the bell and muster the army :-)