There we some problems early on (between 9:00am and 9:30am EST) due to some high packet loss on an upstream router (around 55%). After a reboot, the problem went away. You should be getting video and audio without a problem now. There are currently about 30 active VIC members and about 40 VAT users. We also have the WB going with schedule info. Actually, I am seeing your entry on VAT list as having been active at some time today. --curtis According to Scott Mace:
We are not seeing any video or audio from the NANOG meeting session. Is there some sort of problem with the transmission?
Scott -- smace@neosoft.com - KC5NUA - Scott Mace - Network Engineer - Neosoft Inc. Any opinions expressed are mine.
-- Curtis Generous generous@uucom.com Phone: (703) 461-1350 UUcom Inc., Suite 250, 4875 Eisenhower Avenue, Alexandria, VA 22304-0797