[resending with more readable, apologies for the duplicate] DS-lite can work both for fixed and wireless scenario, where you have a laptop/pda/smarphone/tablet that is only configured by the access network with IPv6 but want to access IPv4 content FROM IPv4 applications. This is the main difference between DS-lite and NAT64. NAT64 requires all applications on the user device to be IPv6 compatible. Now, that may or may not be an issue. If you are talking about a proprietary wireless device that run only proprietary apps, porting all those apps to IPv6 prior to launching the service may be ok... However, if the device can run external apps, like those coming from an app store, or running pre-existing apps (I¹m thinking about the gazillions apps existing on the iPhone), then a NAT64 solution will force a complete rewrite of every single one of those apps... DS-lite would enable all those apps to keep working. Big difference. - Alain.