15 Apr
15 Apr
8:49 p.m.
: On Tue, 15 Apr 2003 bdragon@gweep.net wrote: : : > > More importantly, a quick study in logic shows there should be no : > > requirement for the existing space to meet RFC2050 requirements -- the space : > > is already allocated. After the renumbering period there's no net damage to : > > the IPv4 "shortage" since similar amounts of space would be assigned, but it : > > would be a great help to the global routing system. : > : > The problem is that PA space is questionable. As you stated, if the only way : > to do something one wants to do is to lie/cheat/steal/kill, many people : > will do it. : : Can you quote an example of someone who was killed in the name of PA space? I can name plenty who have done the other 3... scott