5 Jun
5 Jun
7:10 a.m.
Thank you, kind sir. This is exactly what I was looking for:
[may '96 figures]
Grand Total (Allocated and Assigned Combined) Class A - 127
128 <-- :)
Bit pattern 0xxxxxxx Class A (0-127) Bit pattern 10xxxxxx Class B (128-191) Bit pattern 110xxxxx Class C (192-223) Bit pattern 1110xxxx Class D (224-239)
I give up. Where did I go wrong that I think net 128.x.y.z is in the old style class B range?
Class B - 10150 Class C - 764202
You did not go wrong, look at the way Paul did the distribution. For that matter, look at you supplied bit patterns. 0 to 127 is how many? 128!! :) (side note... Net zero will be harder to reclaim than net 127) (any takers? :) -- --bill