On 29/Jun/20 07:34, Owen DeLong wrote:
Personally, I’d like to see the Netflix UI upgraded so that you could have the option of indexing all content (whether you could view it or not) and each time you clicked on something you weren’t allowed to view, it provided contact information for the responsible party setting the restriction. Unfortunately, I suspect that the majority of users wouldn’t enjoy this opportunity for commercial activism, so I understand why Netflix doesn’t do this.
Amazon (sort of) do this, which is why I cancelled their Video service here in Johannesburg. It will show you what's in the library, but when you play it, it will tell you that it's not available for your region. If they could add the "commercial activism" button, I'd be okay to lose 5 seconds pressing it. There are too many moving parts for Netflix to reliably build code that could determine that an HE tunnel is coming from the right place content owners mandate their media be distributed to. That code would end up getting unwieldy, taking up too much time and becoming a full-time job. Since Netflix are sinking more and more cash into their own content every year, to me, that seems like a better long-term solution. Mark.