hi, We provide broadband access by ADSL. The cucurrent session number and access port is controled by radius server. E.g. an PPPoE account can ONLY be used with a designated access port, and current session of that account is limited to 3 or 5. If a subscriber dials with a username. mismatching username and password, illegal access port and exceeding current session number reach the same error code "691" on subscriber's computer. We want to identify the exact reason for customer complaint. So, it that possible to extend radius server and Broadband Access Server ( Juniper E series) to echo different error code for different reason. E.g. Error code 691 for wrong password Error code 851 for wrong access port Error code 852 for exceeding limit of concurrent session number .. regards Joe __________________________________ Yahoo! Movies - Search movie info and celeb profiles and photos. http://sg.movies.yahoo.com/